A tall, fair, fine-looking guy talking about girls is surely the guy I am talking about. If you will show him a girl for the first time then also he can say about her figure and characteristics. He has such acquaintance. A boy of 7th march 1987, with the zodiac sign Taurus. He can be very hard to stop once he set his mind to something as his sign is represented by the bull. Very cool, dynamic and last but not the least childlike. One interesting thing about him is he has the power to completely motivate a girl towards him. He can drag any girl. Today even many of them are crazy for him. He is a pragmatic, and a jewel.
When the career matters he is a B.tech graduate from BPUT and with a master degree in M.C.A from Berhampur University. Now he is just 23 and has a coaching institute of own for the B.tech and Diploma students. The job is not impossible for him, but he had a keen interest on business from his childhood. So after completion of his B.tech only he had started his business. His institution name is MAPS INSTITUTE. It has become famous in the town. And all due to this guy only. In a short period he has left back all big stars in this business. He has grown up with better ideas and knowledge. But the childlike characteristics are till now with him. And if truth can be told, we as friends love to see him with those things. I am a friend of him from last 12 years. I can say a cloak-and-dagger of him that he had a keen interest to wear underwear only inside and outside the home. He loved that. He used to move in his balcony by wearing that till his class 9th. He may be angry with me for this, but it’s true. So I don’t fear to say truth. We have a twelve year relationship. But till now we are very good friends. He is more than a best friend of me. Not for a single time we have any misunderstanding. So I truly cherish it. He is the sweeter than the sweetest sweet for me.
friends:i had told you that he had opened an institution for B.TECH and diploma. now its 3rd batch will appear for their final exam. so think about it. with in two years his institute has became popular. now he has 300 above students. and for all the good things he is only responsible. due to his hard work,he has got the fame. so good luck boney go ahead my friend.
What actually needed for a guy to be a known face? Does size,& body really matters? He is the guy who can go up against you if your answer is yes. A 5 feet 8 inch boy with a weight of 46 kg he is. But his structure is thinner than the thinnest. If you see him you may want to advise him or to his parents about his health. But he has the power to beat undertaker in wrestle mania. Increasing the population of India in 5th April 1986 he came out by the doctors without any scissoring, and not even normal. So just think how that might be. Being an Aquarian he has a sharp mind. He is much talented with new and innovative ideas. As per the property of his zodiac sign he some day may think to create life out of death. And can play the roles of Dr Frankenstein. He is such a thinker. He is just crazy for the computer and for its languages. If it is possible for him then he will prepare his food on the mars with the help of the “c” code. He is the best where friendship matters. I know him since 2004, and a good friend of him. I just want him to carry on with his mind.ok lets know about Ram's present situation. life has played many types of games with him till now, and do not be astonished it is playing with him till now.it is hurting him with high blows. but still he is struggling.one thing about him is,he has known how to play with it.now he is working in Kriti-Tech an software and web designing company in bhubaneswar,orissa. so good luck ram. do not see back and just be in your goal.
Had Henry ford come to this world with lots of mind on the automobiles? The environment, situation only made him a renowned person and the founder of ford motor company. But the guy representing this paragraph is much more than the legend Henry Ford. You ask him any query about the Automobiles, he can make you satisfy. He has got that much talent. I think her mother might have been traveled much when he was inside her. For some family advice or order, he had taken the Information Technology Branch In his B.tech Field. But his keen interest was and is the Automobile. If now also he will get a chance to do something in that field, then I can say that he will leave Mr. Ford far behind. He had come to their parents on 2nd April 1986.With a fine height of 5 feet and 10 inch, he has got an eye-catching figure. He is a nonchalant guy with worthy attitude. Riding bikes and cars is his hobby, and one can say his passion. His other passion is riding bikes above 100km/hr and recording the scene. Really he has the guts to do some things extraordinary. He is very much parsimonious. He likes to spend money in a proper way. Interesting thing about him is, sometime he becomes more penny-wise, and sometime most spendthrift. I am telling one funny thing about him: one day in the evening we were passing our evening time near a tea stall. Two of our friends boney and bikas were also with us. I just told all of them that let’s go for dinner tonight. By listening this, chinku thought for a while and told me that he can’t go with us. And when we asked for the reason, he replied that mummy has given me 100 rupees, and I have to manage it for 6 days. So it is impossible for me. Tell me, if you were in my place what would be your expression? And get one thing his father was the District Judge at that time. So what can you say about him. He is such a guy but after all very pleasant.Another funny thing about him is whenever you ask him to do something or to go some where he will tell that he has only 5 rupees.In his B.Tech time his most common dialogue was "Mummy Gali Karibe".Now he is in Bangalore and working with CTS, after completing his graduation in B.tech. As a friend of him for last six years, I think I know him very closely. He is a well mannered guy. Love his friends and friendship. Till today, he is the one and only one guy with everything required to be genius. He is perfectly a demanding bachelor. So if you have got any idea about my previous line then just contact me, I will guide you.yes now our Henry ford is in pune, and associated with CTS.
The name itself suggests progress in Hindi. And without a doubt this guy has that character. Every time in his words you will feel some advancement. He is such an innovative guy. He is Very attractive and very much passionate about knowing new things. It was 28th December 1987, when the Delhi people were systematizing their houses for the New Year era a sun had born in Sabat’s family. He is a 5 feet and 10 inch guy with sound figure. A boy from the heart of our country had come to study engineering in his mother state. By this you can imagine him. As he was a good student from his early age, he could get a sit in his home town. But the fondness on his own state dragged him to come. He has a good personality. His managing capability is amazing. In my B.tech career I met with him. And with in a short interval of time we became best friends. He is sooo caring. One best quality of his is, he can do anything for his friend. If you are a friend of him, then tell him to steal money from the treasure of Mr. Bijaya Mallyaa, and then he will say that he can do. He is very much fond of friendship. OK I have made him much superior. So let’s know some funny things about him. He is the guy who fears the dogs very much. In our B.tech period we were usually going to station at night time for some refreshment. But he was not going with us. He had the attack to dogofobia (fear of dogs it is from my dictionary). He always wants to make the things immediately which come to his mind. Truly he has not any patience. And the thing waiting has not written in his forehead. Another thing about him is when he sleeps he likes to play guitar with his hands. His mind is full of innovative ideas. You can’t imagine him in one day. If he will plan to read something whole night, then he will bring 5 packet Lays, 10 packet Biscuits and much more things. Is not it interesting? His talking behavior is another surprising thing. He talks with someone, and keeps his eye on other. He is very much poor in eye contact.The most disheartening day of his life is the Rose day of 2004. in that day he had tried to propose a girl by giving a beautiful rose,but he had given that rose to her without looking at her and unfortunately the flower had fell in the ground. after that incident he had become very upset. but we as friends had enjoyed the moment.He knows Oriya, but can’t write. So we have made much fun with this. He only had started a group named “SANGATHANA” to associate all our friends, and to be in touch with everyone. His backing is superb. He is now in New Delhi, working as a Liesonning officer with KIIT, after B.tech. As a friend of him I heartily speaking that he is a very high-quality friend of mine. I sincerely miss him. I miss his companion, chatting, espousal and last but not the least the SANGATHANA. He truly has won the heart of mine. So as a friend I have a special place for him in my heart. Be in top always, as you are a genius. Just HaTs uP To yOu
Do you know what actually a challenge is? Can you do anything if some one challenge you? Can you ride your bike with a speed of 80 km/hr in a busy road? If your answer is no and you are thinking that I am just throwing some unfeasible things, then I can show you someone who will say yes and can do all the above works. And the guy is not other than partha. He is a 16th January 1987 guy with very slender figure and average height. He is completely different from his height and body structure. You can’t visualize that this guy can do something. He is very well-brought-up and uncomplicated. He is the guy who can cover 166km with in two hours. If challenge comes in front of him then he can climb the Everest.He has the ability to beat Valentino Rossie. He is a friend of mine for last seven years. We have a good understanding between us. He is audacious as well as a fun loving guy. Where education matters, he is a graduate in Bachelor of Computer Application. But he had a keen interest in Business. Now he has his own medicine business. He is managing that superbly. Let’s know a funny thing of him. He has a special attraction on the dazzling girls. It was our 12th standard. He had a keen interest on a girl. He tried hard to make her his own. But when he had failed in that he scolded her in an unusual way. From that day the girl forgot his name also. He never cares for anything. He likes to live life in a usual manner. He is the king of his own life. The braveness, confidence, and perfection have made this guy so cool and easy mannered. His life's quote is mY lIfE mY rUlE.
The boy who likes to take soup with out the white water, who can act as father of his friends in dramas is certainly the character I am talking about. He has a healthy figure and good height. I had heard that guys of villages have supreme wits, and they have the zeal to flabbergast the world. And truly he is the burning example for me. during my school days I had met with him. Till today we have the bond of friendship. He is a practical guy.
He likes hilarity, enjoyment and marry-making. In my words he is actually a bindas type guy. I know him very warmly. He is the guy who does not leave hope hurriedly. Try and just do the work is his principle. He is a B.Tech graduate from U.C.E Burla. And now he is in Arricent, Bangalore. During my school days he was my best guide in my studies. He used to teach me my lessons as well as some important things about life. He was such a genius at that time. Truly when I normally remember my school days, this body comes into my mind. He was the main star of our enjoyment.With him all of our friends have spent many happy days. So no one can forget him and his saying. And especially he will remain with me forever.ok some change has happened with my friend. now he is working with Samsung with some sound salary. and still enjoying life with different options. go ahead jugal,i want some thing more than this.
In Indian mythology this name is the name of lord Bishnu. And if we will check the grammar (Oriya) then we will find that SRI- means LAKSHMI and KANT- means her husband. So it refers to Lord Bishnu. And this is the name of my friend. What had come to his parent’s mind I don’t know, but they had kept this name for him. He had not any quality like Lord Bishnu. But one thing he was very good-looking, and even today also. So I think that might have forced his parents to do that. Anyway just stop that matter here; otherwise he or his parents will put a case on me, if I will pull the name matter. He is the guy with 5 feet 7 inch height,and a normal weight. He is very attractive with specs. During my school days I had met with this guy. And till now we have the friendship. Actually we have good harmony between us. And that is the reason of our long friendship. He is the guy who does not care about any thing. His motive is to keep going on, don’t think for the bad ones. He usually likes acquaintances, jaunt, and social gathering. We have enjoyed much times, in our school days and college days. Bunking classes, going to see movie,and to beach was our main aspect of enjoyment. His most common word is budha and budhi. He used to call his parent like this. After completion of his B.tech he joined in a BTS company at Kota. And now he is in Chennai, working as a Telecom Engineer. At last one thing to you srikant I don’t know you will read this or not, but something I want to say that in all honesty I am missing our days.
This guy is the one who inspired me a lot. He is very intelligent and where IQ matters he stands First. No one can beat him in the field of general knowledge. He has the power to remember a lot of things. Everybody can not do this. So in this field he is special. He is a friend of mine for last 6 years. And we have a good friendship. He cares very much about his friends. He has that quality. Every time he motivates all to be in touch with study. He does not want the wrong things. He just hates lie. He is a 182 cm guy with an athletic figure. Truly a straight forward person and his motto is- work hard, party harder. He is a B.TECH graduate from BPUT. Now he is in Bangalore. He has a strong knowledge in the software field as well as in aptitude and reasoning. He is the only guy, who has the power to crack any problem among our friends. I truly respect him and love him. Ok I told much about him, and praised him much. So let’s know something interesting about him. He is the guy who represents himself as a Bramhachari after looking girls and passing comments. He has a keen interest on girls. But he never let you know about that. In the time of our engineering career we have made many funs by this. He is the guy who loves to see Hollywood movies. And after watching that movie, his narration about that is very much interesting. He likes to store the girl’s numbers by the name of his relatives, friends and last but not the least is by the help of x, y, z, 1, 2, 3….. If you will ask him to do something then at first he will say “na be ghare gali karibe”. He is the guy who makes fun with others. Everything about him is good. But one of his negative thing is he suddenly becomes fuming. That thing remains on his nose. He has done many things with this adjective. Sagar, I think you will angry with me, after reading this. But I am telling the truth. If I have miffed you then I am saying sorry to you. What those may be, you are a nice friend of mine. I have a high regard for you. And I am truly missing you, the evening at sangathana with you and at last your funny sayings. Any way we can not change anything. But one thing we can do. And that is to be in contact with our entire group. And for that reason only I have started this thing. I want to share all sorrows as well as happiness between us. So for that reason this thing is a small effort only. If have missed anything about you, then will tell me. Anyway dear, have a nice time. Focus on the career but do not miss the beauties of Bangalore.
Sayed Jaffer Siddique, I had met with him in my class 11th. He was my senior. At that time I had listened much about him. He was like gunda type. The students of our class were saying like that. When I saw him, I knew the truth. With a rapchic figure, good body and last but not the least different style, he was very much irreplaceable among all. For me he had the pure Muslim characteristics. With the LML Vespa, he was different in his style. I was impressed by him much. At that time I was willing to be a friend of him. But the words of my friends did not allow me to be a friend of him. But the God was thinking like me. So he gave me another way to meet with that genial guy. So again we met during our Bachelor degree. This time I became a friend of him. He is a genius. A emblematic business mind and thinking he has. I think if he had born on the starting of 19th century, then I am damm sure that he would leave Mr. Mohan Singh Oberoi far behind. He is a compassionate guy. He does not like the words: bogus, counterfeit and hoodwink. Now he is pursuing his master degree, as well as managing his two hotels (Holiday Home, and Hotel Sea Pearl) in Gopalpur. One special thing about Jaffer is, he is a straight-talking guy. He won’t tell anything in your back. I treasure the friendship between us. I don’t weigh about the sayings of many people. I am his friend, and it will remain forever.
Such a nice name he has got. He is also nice like his name. A very handsome, tall, good figured guy he is. He is a pal of mine of bachelor’s degree. Vicky is a very caring and benevolent guy. He is the guy who can stimulate anyone toward him with in some few hours. That’s the eminence he has. He might have known some mantras or something else. My entire friend says that he knows how to make kukuda to someone. He has done Master’s in this line. And I am also accepting it partly. But this is not his hobby but he does this for amusement. I know if vicky will read this, then he may be angry with me. But I am telling this jokingly. I am sorry vicky if you got hurt. He is a good friend of mine. I like the camaraderie with him. He is a great believer of God and sanctimonious. Now he is in Bangalore and doing a job in a software firm. So love you friend. May your life and luck take you the height of success soon. This is my praying to the Al-mighty for you.
BiSwA aNd SuBrAt
Here you will think that, why I wrote about the above two jointly. But my dear friends and readers! The two guys above are incomplete without the other one. You can know the truth of my sayings after going through this paragraph. BiSwA and SuBrAt are my bachelor’s degree friends. They are unique in their own style. And if they both are with you then you will feel that Impossible is nothing. They can even make harass to the Hero-Honda Karizma, extreme and last but not the least the mountain dew add performers and stunt-men. Impossible is nothing for them, they are only the synonym of Impossible. During our bachelors degree we have enjoyed much with them. Ragging juniors, commenting faculties, teasing them were their best qualities. They were Combinely doing such things. BiSwA himself is an intelligent guy. He is a mastermind in the field of computers and languages (not only the Computer Language). He is a good friend of mine. Now he is in a software firm in Delhi .
And the guy SuBrAt is different in his own style. He normally does not care for anything. If he will think to do a work, then he will do that at any cost. I think the phrase “THINKING IS SUCH A WASTE OF TIME” is more appropriate for him than Hero-Honda Extreme. He is the guy who accepts challenges without thinking. In past due to the challenge only he has come to the college gate by wearing underwear only. He is the guy who has kissed the college lecturer (female). He will not think about the final output or result. But will do anything. So he is such a guy. Still he is very good. And I love his friendship.
Haaa… RoShAn, it is his parent’s given name. For me he is Bainsi. This is the guy I had met with him during my schooling. It was my class 10th. I met with him. When I first saw him, I thought he is very different guy. He was not caring much on studies; his main work was to tease teachers, girls and other boys. But due my grate fortune I slowly met with him. After that our friendship increased. Then we made a group. We were six members in that group. They were Jugal, Srikant, Sameer, Roshan, Nila and last but not the least me. We were enjoying the final part of our schooling. In that group RoShAn was the comedian. He was the guy who could bring the laugh in everyone’s face. Even we had done a play and had given the role of a comedian to RoShAn. He was very nice guy. After our schooling I had met with him once in a blue moon. We were not in contact. After a long time I became able to know about him. Now he is a management firm after completing his master’s. One interesting thing about RoShAn at that time was: whenever you see him, he seems you like a ganjudu (Oriya word), ganja affected guy. Now we are in contact. He is in Bangalore . Today we are recollecting the past precious things over phone.
bIcKy Da:
bIkY dA
Here comes another guy about whom I can utter with out any perimeter and blindly. Yes this is my cousin brother bicky da, what I call him. And professionally he is known as Mr.Bikramjit pradhan. A genuine guy was born on 23thrd September 1982. For me he is congenial, temperate and a seamless guy. I closely met with him after 22nd February 2009. At that time I was in Delhi for my training on industrial automation. But due to my good luck I got a chance to live with him. Before that we had a formal relation though we are cousin brothers. Professionally he is an Audiologist, and speech therapist. Day by day I was getting closer to him. The formal became much informal. Actually from the time of my knowledge about brothers and sisters, I had a keen interest for an elder brother. And that was fulfilled due to him. I can easily say that he is the best. His personality, attitude, dressing and talking style, quality of reading your mind are just extra-ordinary. Every A1 quality he has. Limitation is the only one word which has not touched him till now. Ok I told much good things about him. So now give your attention on his extra-curricular activities. He has a keen interest on the girls. He likes to make every second girl his girlfriend. He is the guy who always thinks life is to enjoy. Just live in the present, is his aspect. He is a good writer (especially song) as well as a true lover. He has a good sense of knowledge about love. His thoughts on love can be kept in the popular love thoughts books or sites. Now he is in noida with his job and enjoying both phases of life. So da it is a small endeavor of me. I tried hard to write about you, but I am thinking I could not do that completely. So any mistakes make me aware. It’s a New Year gift to you from me. Anyways good luck da.and at last a message to all the readers, he is an young, dynamic bachelor searching for his true life partner. if you have any ideas or ways then do contact me.
its about me and its perfect........
ReplyDeleteu knw me very well.............
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei read all the things........
ReplyDeleteits good.......
chinku will surely getting angry......
bt don't wory.........
i want to know who is sHe.....
February 27, 2010 10:35 AM
excellent work soumya..
ReplyDeletei think u ve explained the above things abt our frenshp in a very beautiful manner...
the expressions are reallly heart touchin..
i am missing dos days at BERHAMPUR...
Thanks Dear,
ReplyDeleteU know me more than me.
U spread the feelings of friendship over the globe.
But I eagerly waiting for ur upcoming NOVEL.
Be Soon.....
hey u forgot to write one thing about vikas...
ReplyDeletethe thing is KUKUDA........
hey go and write it now...
other wise he will b very upset.........
and about partha its perfect....
he is a challenge mania....
about chinku:- u forgot to write mummy gali karibe....
ReplyDeletedo u remember dat sentense...
so write it nw....
things you write about me are true including my short temper.
ReplyDeletethere is no reason why should i be angry with you.
it's a marvelous effort to unite our group & i hope with time passing it will be more stronger & sweeter like an old French wine.
paste photographs of us along side d blog.