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sOm TiMe lOvE iS dAnGeRoUs

Everyone told me not to attach much with it,
But i could not do that my dear,
All do it so i did,
I never knew what was coming
But an expectation at least.

Your voice had stunned me,
I could not believe you and me too,
I tried lot not to cry,
But tears came like sweat of May

Why all do it dear though it demolishes lives?
Your pain is cutting me
With thousands of pins.

I do not know what I will do? If I will die!
One has to make my dad brave,
And calm my mom down.

My dear, if you are thinking,
Then do not think about me,
It will ruin your present life.
I would still be alive,
By giving my family a catastrophe.

My breath is getting shorter dear,
I am getting scared.
But do not think about me
Just enjoy the rest of life.

I want to tell sorry to you
But I know one thing
Sorry can not correct my fault,
Because no one can change the past.

I wish that you could hold me,
I will lie on your lap and die.
But actually it is a delusory thinking.

At last I wish I could say to my mom and dad,
How much I love them.
And I wish I could say to you,
I lOvE yOu, i LoVe YoU,
I lOvE yOu.


  1. mind blowing,at last u express the internal felling through this blog....carry on dude.....never stop this activity......


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