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hE hD a LoVe StOrY

Again I came with a hair-raising, touchy, tear-jerking love story. Friends! I am assuming you will come across a different type of love story here. And dear….. It’s based upon actuality.

Ram, from Kolkata was a guy from a pure Bengali family. After fell to pieces with his first girlfriend, due to the requirement, pressure of family he became bind to marry to a girl living nearby his home.
Actually he had not any interest for the marriage, so he had not 100% commitment for the newly wedded girl. But whatever it may be, life goes on. And another thing was there, in his mind. And that was to support his family, mentally and financially. So he did start to look after his so called wife. Slowly slowly they became closer. And their social life went on.
And here the main story did begin…………………………………………

In a usual way life went on. And after eight months his life took a turn, and that was a razor-sharp turn. The destiny made him to do another shocking work. Ram was running a coaching centre in his village for teaching computer courses. He had some different ideas. So after he did start this thing. And one fine day a mid-twenty aged girl came to him for enrolling herself for the DCA (Diploma in Computer Application) course. her name was pooja Ganguly. She was married and her own family and husband also were from the same village. Gradually a good relationship did start between the instructor and the student. Sea of affection, lots of gossips were in that relation. Actually they were behaving normally. Their relationship was rising like a tree. Something had been under gone between them. But they had not any bit of idea. And after some months passed, the relation took both of them into the stage of love. And they could felt that. But in true sense it was illegal, unauthorised. But we know the word love does not care about the above things. Such words are not there in the dictionary of love. With the passing of time they became crazy for each other. They had not any care and fear about the society, and about their personal life. And if truth can be told, the love is only like this. It believes on the love only. In their love there was not any perimeter. The girl was too much crazy for her cool instructor. Till this situation they handled all the things, by keeping it secret to everyone. But what nextttt!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was the hardest question for them? Both were in a marital life.
One day they discussed about this.

Should we leave our other one to make our relation? (Pooja)
No one will accept our relation. (Ram)
So what!! We will leave this place, and will go to somewhere else. (Pooja)
This is nasty. But on the other hand you have become my requirement. (Ram)
I can’t live without you. (Pooja)
Same here pooja. (Ram)
Please do something dear. (Pooja)
Ok let me………… (Ram)

Then he came to home. He sat on the cot and started to think about……
Suddenly his wife came and sat beside him. Actually she had come to call him for the dinner. But when she saw ram’s nerve-racking figure, she asked him:
Ki holo?
Kichi problem in coaching centre?

Ram was in an alternative world. But the word coaching centre dragged him into existence. Then hurriedly he told:
Naaa.. No problem in the coaching centre.
I am feeling tired now, so I want to sleep for some time.
Ok I won’t force you.
But I have something to tell you.
Hmm tell.
Mmmm………. Aammiiiii….. Ggggarva acheee………..

And that thing just put off heart from ram’s body. That made him thrill. He could not visualize his existence at that time. He was just trying to digest the mocking of fate on him.
Again she articulated ………
Tumi khusi ki Na? (Are not you happy?)
I had thought that you will become crazy after hearing this.
But your behaviour is very unusual.
What has happened dear, please tell me.
No…….. Not any problem at all.
And I am very happy.

But Rakhi(Ram's wife) had confirmed that something is cooking inside his husband's mind. But without asking for another time she just left the place. On the other hand the happening could not give ram a single sleep. That night went with lots of thinking.
It was the next morning. He went to coaching centre as usual and met with Pooja. But his expressions towards her were very different.
Ram what happened?
Why are you acting differently?
Anything wrong happened?

Then he confessed everything to her. And the fate was at its top most level for ram. On the other side Pooja’s husband was giving an ear to their conversation. Actually he had some doubts on her wife, so he was inspecting her. And finally on that day he caught her red-handed. He did become mad after knowing the things. His mind went blank. He could not believe the happenings. Then suddenly things changed for the love birds. Pooja’s husband told all the things to Pooja’s family. Her father and brothers did burn with anger. In that very moment they came to the coaching centre with a huge force. The love birds could not believe their eyes. Then without letting them to think for a while they took ram into their jeep by blindfolding him and Pooja’s father took her to their home.
Ram was taken to an unknown place by Pooja’s husband and brothers.
Pooja did try a lot to make understand her father. But he had become insane. He could not believe her daughter. He did scold a lot to her. But she was not in a mood to heed those things. One thing was in her mind only, and that was to save ram.
Suddenly Pooja’s husband made a call to his father-in –law, and asked her:
Bring her to medinipur forest.
Let her see the dying of her beloved.

Then Pooja’s father took her to the place. At that time ram was beaten severely by the felons. Everybody had become insane. Pooja’s husband was burning with anger.

This F##%, M#####%r has played with pooja.
He has touched her, just cut his hands.
No… don’t waste time,
Just make him die.

Everybody was suggesting different things. And ram was lying on the ground. He had not any chance to save himself. His life was in the hand of the opposition. But Pooja could not see ram in that condition. She thought:

Things are happening due to me only.
And he is suffering a lot.
Nothing has in his hand.
He has a wife, and the top most important thing is: his wife is pregnant. And he has to be with her. So I have to save his life at any cost.

So she requested all to leave ram. She begged her husband, father and brother for ram’s life. But nobody did heed her. Then without wasting a second she shouted:
Ekhan theke chole jao (just go from here)
Tomar wife er dekha-sona Kara. (Take care of your wife)
Amar janne cinta karo na. (Don’t think about me)
Ekhan theke chole jao.
Sukhe theko…………. (Live happily)

And those words made ram to think about his wife and the upcoming child. He thought: he has to live; he has to support his wife, his family.
Some external power did come to him.
And after that he did not think about the ongoing drama, about Pooja and the rest of the things. He just brought a huge force from the words of Pooja and came out from the cage of the felons and did start to run. He had not a bit of idea where to go, still he ran and ran. The felons followed him, but this time the luck made a friendship with Ram. They could not locate him. And ram ran through the vast trees and finally came out from that terrified place.
On the other hand by failing to locate ram, Pooja’s husband and family members became more insane. They had not in their control. Her brother started to slap pooja hard. And in the very moment her husband came from back and hit her on a huge stone strongly. And there only that made a lovely, beautiful lady die. Ya Pooja, her love and some other thing died in that place only.
Finally ram came to his home after 26 hours. He was a thing to watch. The body had scratches like the lines of a spider’s net. Bloods were flowing from every place. That gave his wife and rests of the family a huge attack. Then after seven days of treatment in the nearby hospital he uttered everything in front of his family. And there only did decide to leave the village. He felt sorry in front of his wife. And she told this much only…..

I had known your past, still I did marry you
Now I did listen about your affair, still I will live with you,
I don’t know why things are happening with me Ram!
Still I love you, loving you from my heart…..

And those words were enough to bring salty water in ram’s face; he cried and cried by holding Rakhi.
Then she uttered:
Ram! Pooja’s mother had come here, and gave me this.
By saying this she handed over a paper to Ram. He took that and opened it. Something was written on it.

Hey my cool instructor…….
Situation has been changed. The things I was thinking did not happen. I was married, still the first glimpse of you made me to think about you. At first I had not known that you will become my need. But gradually it happened. I know Ram! Our relation was illegal, against the law. But no one can deny the happening. I can say this was the destiny. We fell in love, and that was very deep. We both were married, still the word love made us crazy. Ram! The society can say this is an extra-marital affair. But I can say this was true love. I did not have any problem with my normal married life and you don’t have also. Still we could feel each other’s feelings. Our dream was very good. But the reality just messed the things up. A great man has said that...” Reality is better than your dreams”. But I can say dreams are better than Reality. Soo… it had to happen so it happened. Now just go forward. Don’t think about the past. You have a lovely caring wife. You are going to feel a new character in your life after 3 months. So give focus on that. Don’t think much about me. Ram! Remember one thing:
When god takes away something from your hand, then don’t think he is punishing you. He is just leaving you empty handed to receive something better. But just remember me as a small part of your life. I don’t know what will happen to me and my marital life. But I want you to remember me slightly.
Ram! Remembrance is a great aspect. It is better than love. I won’t expect tons of love from you, but a gram of remembrance is enough for me. So just live your life with full of merriments.
And the last thing I want to tell you….
I had thought to tell you this before. I had thought to tell this on that day, when you told me about your wife’s pregnancy, but remained silent.
I am pregnant………… ram.

The letter especially the last sentence stunned Ram. He was about to tell her wife about the letter, hastily she said…
Sorry dear… I have read this.

In this way 365 days went on. Now ram is working in a steel plant. He has a daughter named Pooja. And this name has given after a huge force by his wife. Now he is managing a good marital life with lots of merriment. But till now when ever that thing comes into his mind a noticeable sensation goes through his body. And do you know what about pooja’s father, brother and husband??? They all are in the jail as the court has ordered them life time imprisonment.


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