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They say something in life eventuates without our core knowledge, good or bad whatever it may be.
Same thing was for me also. I was somehow occupied, strange in my life, and living that as per my wish. There was not any expectation of doing something special, and eagerness to get something extra ordinary. But luck can’t give you the access to live in your way. In my view it controls you to live as per it.
I had not deemed that my life will change all of a sudden and so swiftly. But it happened and in a good way.
Few months ago I had seen a girl as per my parent’s wish. As per them she was utterly good for me to be my would be. At that time I had not a single bit of interest on that. Still you can’t play with the sentiment of your parent, I did say yes to that. Finally the moment came, and I saw her.
She was in front of me, with a white and little bit green mixed salwar suit with eyes down. She was looking her own home’s floor as if he had not seen that before. Then I got a chance to interact with her, but I could not. I could not talk with her a single word. What happened to me I don’t know, but I remained silent.
 10 minutes passed with that silent only and I came out from the room leaving her behind.
Then my mother came to me to know about my decision, she was very anxious about that, and I just nodded my head. My mother became quite happy for that and did decide to go a further step ahead.  She was also asked the same question and reply was the same. Finally all became happy and as per our so called tradition they shared sweets and something more like that to enjoy that moment.
I know these types of things were quite odd, and I was following some 1940’s attitude and behavior, but truly I could not do anything beyond that.
In this way that part got over, few days after I started talking with her. Gradually I got to know about her, she became able to know about me. Within few months we left the word I and She behind. We shared our feelings, emotions, wishes as well as dreams.  In this way life had changed for me. I had included her in my daily life. Life had taken a sharp turn for me. The guy who had not any special wishes, extra ordinary dreams had started to dream. Chaotic days and monotonous nights had become dynamic.
In this fashion few months went, at that time, I had decided to make her mine in the least possible time. My parents were quite happy about that and finally they did decide the date for my Engagement.
26th October was the day, for which I was waiting for last few months. I, with my family started the journey to her place Koraput, (Southern Odisha). For a nature lover it is the most beautiful place I can say. And if you are there in the winter then you are the luckiest, in addition to this if u will take the help of Indian railway then it will add some more glorious moments to your journey. I was doing the same throughout the journey. I was about to start a new life, new feelings but before that just exploring the virgin mountains and forests from train. Those were quite scenic.
Finally we reached at her place. The day went with the normal processes. And in the end the evening came. With all the arrangements we went to her place. I was greeted with lots of fun and merriment. But I was waiting for her. At that time I did feel the word craving. My heart inside was craving for someone special. I was just rewinding my life from starting to that time, and in between this she came, she came, and sat beside me. And that was the most wonderful moment for me. I started to look at her closely. I just skipped everyone present there, forgot about everyone who were looking at me, and started looking her. She was stunning, beautiful, but so simple.  Then the ring came and handed over to us.  I just stood front of her and gazed her for a second. Truly I did become enraptured and mesmerized by seeing her sweet, alluring and congenial face so close. Her eyes were expressive and vivid. Then I took her hand with mine, those were fragile, soft and subtle. In every way and every sense I just found her fabulous. The rings were exchanged. And finally she became mine. That was the most precious moment of our life, because that had made us one.
In this way the ceremony got over and I did return to my place, but with some memorable moments and her tender and inimitable smile.

I had never dreamed of an engagement of elaborate elegance,
 Place filled with all the extravagance,
I was just wished for an engagement,

Which would make her mine………….


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